Найдите в диалоге Present Perfect Continuous выпишите Dave: Hi Tim. What’s up? Tim: Oh, hi Dave! What are you doing here? Dave: Oh, I’ve joined the Eco-helpers club. Tim: Oh yeah, I’ve heard about that. Sally collects rubbish for recycling in the park every Saturday morning, doesn’t she? Dave: That’s right. She’s been doing that for a month. I’ve been building nesting boxes. Tim: Nesting boxes? Dave: Well, there aren’t many trees left in the city for birds to build their nests. If we don’t help them, they will have to leave the city. Tim: That’s interesting. What else have you been doing? Dave: We’ve been planting trees and cleaning out ponds for a week now that the weather’s good. Tim: Your club sounds wonderful. I could join as well, couldn’t I? Dave: Of course you could. We really need volunteers, but you have to see Miss Jackson first. She’ll tell you what to do. Tim: Sounds great! I’ll join first thing Monday morning.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Найдите в диалоге Present Perfect Continuous выпишите
Dave: Hi Tim. What’s up?
Tim: Oh, hi Dave! What are you doing here?
Dave: Oh, I’ve joined the Eco-helpers club.
Tim: Oh yeah, I’ve heard about that. Sally collects rubbish for recycling in the park every Saturday morning, doesn’t she?
Dave: That’s right. She’s been doing that for a month. I’ve been building nesting boxes.
Tim: Nesting boxes?
Dave: Well, there aren’t many trees left in the city for birds to build their nests. If we don’t help them, they will have to leave the city.
Tim: That’s interesting. What else have you been doing?
Dave: We’ve been planting trees and cleaning out ponds for a week now that the weather’s good.
Tim: Your club sounds wonderful. I could join as well, couldn’t I?
Dave: Of course you could. We really need volunteers, but you have to see Miss Jackson first. She’ll tell you what to do.
Tim: Sounds great! I’ll join first thing Monday morning.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

She’s been doing.

I’ve been building.

have you been doing?

We’ve been planting 
trees and cleaning out.

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