МАКСИМАЛЬНО СРОЧНО ! Даю 60 балов!Напишите 2 текста по (8-10) приложений на английском языке
2-Робота моей мечты (я девочка )

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

МАКСИМАЛЬНО СРОЧНО ! Даю 60 балов!Напишите 2 текста по (8-10) приложений на английском языке
2-Робота моей мечты (я девочка )

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. All children want or wanted to go to space. Just like me. In space, there are stars and planets. We live in the solar system. Our planet is called Earth. In the solar system there is a huge star called Sun. Stars are very cool things to look at. Using a telescope, we can see another planets such as Mars, Jupiter, etc. 

2. In the future I want to be an architect. I will be making blueprints of buildings. Architects also get much paid. To be an architect I have to learn maths. Maths is very important if you want to be an architect. All buildings we see would not exist without an architect. They make blueprints, so buliders make buildings using the blueprint. Architect is a very important person.

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