Какие предложения нельзя переделать из Активного в Пассивный залог? Choose the sentences which cannot be turned from Active into Passive: 1. They didn’t ask her name. 2. Michael saw Mary in the park. 3. Has anyone answered your question? 4. They danced all night. 5. On Sunday evening we all met at my friends. 6. Someone told us a funny story yesterday. 7. You can’t park your car in the street before this office. 8. This kind of flowers doesn’t bloom very often. 9. His parents have brought him up to be polite. 10. The plane from Los Angeles was several hours late. 10. The fire has caused considerable damage. 11. My shoes don’t fit me. 12. People must obey the law. 13. He was having a bath, when the telephone rang. 13. A famous designer will decorate the hall.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Какие предложения нельзя переделать из Активного в Пассивный залог? Choose the sentences which cannot be turned from Active into Passive:

1. They didn’t ask her name. 2. Michael saw Mary in the park. 3. Has anyone answered your question? 4. They danced all night. 5. On Sunday evening we all met at my friends. 6. Someone told us a funny story yesterday. 7. You can’t park your car in the street before this office. 8. This kind of flowers doesn’t bloom very often. 9. His parents have brought him up to be polite. 10. The plane from Los Angeles was several hours late. 10. The fire has caused considerable damage. 11. My shoes don’t fit me. 12. People must obey the law. 13. He was having a bath, when the telephone rang. 13. A famous designer will decorate the hall.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14 нельзя переделать.

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