Итоговая контрольная работа за 6 класс Choose the right variant 1. My best friend … London last year. a. visit b. visited c. will visit 2. This hill is … a. tall b. high c. long 3. There are … cakes on the table. a. some b. any c. nobody 4. Nobody … French in my school. a. speak b. speaking c. speaks 5. … Atlantic Ocean is the biggest ocean in the world. a. a b. the c. an 6. I am thirsty . I want to drink … a. juice b. sandwich c. bike 7. I can see a lot of … pictures. a. colour b. coloury c. colourful 8. Saint-Petersburg is a … center of Russia. a. cultural b. difficult c. tasty 9. I met a man … you worked with yesterday. a. whose b. what c. who 10. … boy is from my school. a. this b. these c. those 11. She will stay … a hotel during the trip. a. at b. in c. on 12. My sister was born … 2003. a. on b. from c. in 13. We made two beautiful … in the street. a. snowman b. snowmen c. snowmans 14. The weather will be sunny … a. yesterday b. tomorrow c. last week 15. If it’s rainy, I … at home. a. will stay b. stay c. stayed 16. My mum will drive a car if she … busy. a. are b. am c. is 17. I am going … a new computer game. a. buy b. to buy c. buying 18. The Mississippi is the longest … in the USA. a. river b. sea c. lake 19. Columbus was a famous American … a. writer b. sailor c. teacher 20. … is a religious holiday. a. New Year’s Day b. Halloween c. Easter 21. There are a lot of … mountains in the east of the country. a. rocky b. foggy c. sandy 22. In summer I usually wear … a. a sweater b. a coat c. shorts 23. The pyjamas … too big for her. a. is b. are c. am 24. I bought new leggings. I really like … a. it b. you c. them 25. The museum … at 5 o’clock. a. opens b. open c. shall open 26. Tell me if you … me at the railway station. a. meets b. is meeting c. will meet 27. Look! The sky is dark. It … rain. a. is going to b. will be c. is 28. … is the capital of the USA. a. Moscow b. New York c. Washington, DC 29. It’s very hot. The temperature is 28 degrees … zero. a. under b. below c. above 30. Fast food is … for you. a. unhealthy b. health c. healthy 31. My granny … work in the garden every summer. a. will be b. are able to c. can 32. You … do the test yesterday. a. must b. will have to c. had to 33. I visited a doctor … I was sick. a. after b. because c. of course 34. … books are there? – Nine. a. How many b. What c. Where 35. When will you travel? — … a. to Spain b. with mum c. in June 36. You … smoke and drink alcohol. a. must b. can c. mustn’t 37. Tom couldn’t dance well, … ? a. Couldn’t he? b. could he? c. could she? 38. It’s rainy. … your raincoat. a. put on b. take off c. put off 39. People have thirty two … a. fingers b. teeth c. feet 40. Mary is a beautiful girl. She is not … a. ugly b. good-looking c. friendly

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Итоговая контрольная работа за 6 класс
Choose the right variant
1. My best friend … London last year.
a. visit b. visited c. will visit
2. This hill is …
a. tall b. high c. long
3. There are … cakes on the table.
a. some b. any c. nobody
4. Nobody … French in my school.
a. speak b. speaking c. speaks
5. … Atlantic Ocean is the biggest ocean in the world.
a. a b. the c. an
6. I am thirsty . I want to drink …
a. juice b. sandwich c. bike
7. I can see a lot of … pictures.
a. colour b. coloury c. colourful
8. Saint-Petersburg is a … center of Russia.
a. cultural b. difficult c. tasty
9. I met a man … you worked with yesterday.
a. whose b. what c. who
10. … boy is from my school.
a. this b. these c. those
11. She will stay … a hotel during the trip.
a. at b. in c. on
12. My sister was born … 2003.
a. on b. from c. in
13. We made two beautiful … in the street.
a. snowman b. snowmen c. snowmans
14. The weather will be sunny …
a. yesterday b. tomorrow c. last week
15. If it’s rainy, I … at home.
a. will stay b. stay c. stayed
16. My mum will drive a car if she … busy.
a. are b. am c. is
17. I am going … a new computer game.
a. buy b. to buy c. buying
18. The Mississippi is the longest … in the USA.
a. river b. sea c. lake
19. Columbus was a famous American …
a. writer b. sailor c. teacher
20. … is a religious holiday.
a. New Year’s Day b. Halloween c. Easter
21. There are a lot of … mountains in the east of the country.
a. rocky b. foggy c. sandy
22. In summer I usually wear …
a. a sweater b. a coat c. shorts
23. The pyjamas … too big for her.
a. is b. are c. am
24. I bought new leggings. I really like …
a. it b. you c. them
25. The museum … at 5 o’clock.
a. opens b. open c. shall open
26. Tell me if you … me at the railway station.
a. meets b. is meeting c. will meet
27. Look! The sky is dark. It … rain.
a. is going to b. will be c. is
28. … is the capital of the USA.
a. Moscow b. New York c. Washington, DC
29. It’s very hot. The temperature is 28 degrees … zero.
a. under b. below c. above
30. Fast food is … for you.
a. unhealthy b. health c. healthy
31. My granny … work in the garden every summer.
a. will be b. are able to c. can
32. You … do the test yesterday.
a. must b. will have to c. had to
33. I visited a doctor … I was sick.
a. after b. because c. of course
34. … books are there? – Nine.
a. How many b. What c. Where
35. When will you travel? — …
a. to Spain b. with mum c. in June
36. You … smoke and drink alcohol.
a. must b. can c. mustn’t
37. Tom couldn’t dance well, … ?
a. Couldn’t he? b. could he? c. could she?
38. It’s rainy. … your raincoat.
a. put on b. take off c. put off
39. People have thirty two …
a. fingers b. teeth c. feet
40. Mary is a beautiful girl. She is not …
a. ugly b. good-looking c. friendly

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


























26.c(тут вообще не уверен)





31.c(не уверен)










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