Исправьте ошибки, где они есть. 1. He will spend last summer in the country. 2. You goes to school every day. 3. Children cooked nice dinner tomorrow. 4. Last Sunday we goes to the park. 5. I writed a letter to my friend yesterday. 6. Nick don’t like to play the piano. 7. He won’t play chess tomorrow.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Исправьте ошибки, где они есть.

1. He will spend last summer in the country.

2. You goes to school every day.

3. Children cooked nice dinner tomorrow.

4. Last Sunday we goes to the park.

5. I writed a letter to my friend yesterday.

6. Nick don’t like to play the piano.

7. He won’t play chess tomorrow.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. He will spend the following summer in the country. Либо He spent last summer in the country.

2. You go to school every day.

3. Children cooked nice dinner yesterday. Либо Children will cook nice dinner tomorrow.

4. Last Sunday we went to the park.

5. I wrote a letter to my friend yesterday.

6. Nick doesn’t like to play the piano.

7. Ошибок нет

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