изменение глагола от пассивной к активной форме.
1) the work has already been completed
2) the cake was made by mrs.Adams
3) this room is cleaned every day
4) it was taken by him
5) this article was translated ( by us) at the lesson
6) the breakfast is bought by the waiter

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

изменение глагола от пассивной к активной форме.
1) the work has already been completed
2) the cake was made by mrs.Adams
3) this room is cleaned every day
4) it was taken by him
5) this article was translated ( by us) at the lesson
6) the breakfast is bought by the waiter

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 I have already completed the work.

2 Mrs.Adams made the cake.

3 She cleans this room every day.

4 He took it.

5 We translated this article at the lesson.

6 The waiter buys breakfast.

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