Заполните плизззз !!!!!!!!!
1The territory of Russia is bigger than the territory of the USA. 2 There are ______ people in Russia then in America.3 The mountains in the USA are ____ than the mountains in Russia.4 The American river Mississippi is ____ than the Volga. 5 Russian has a _____ history than the USA.6 There are as ____ natural resources in America as in Russia.7 The American cinema is ______ than the Russian cinema.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Заполните плизззз !!!!!!!!!
1The territory of Russia is bigger than the territory of the USA. 2 There are ______ people in Russia then in America.3 The mountains in the USA are ____ than the mountains in Russia.4 The American river Mississippi is ____ than the Volga. 5 Russian has a _____ history than the USA.6 There are as ____ natural resources in America as in Russia.7 The American cinema is ______ than the Russian cinema.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

2. More



5.better я не уверена насчёт этого ответа. Хотя бы на русском слово есть?)



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