Заповніть пропуски 1. he is said … very well. 2. if you … me this tune i`ll remember the words of the song 3. … the songs the choir left the stage. 4. when we came into the hall our group-mates … a new song. I liked it. 5. I haven’t been to any concerts lately. — … my friend 1)to sing 2) will sing 3) were singing 4) sing 5) sings 6) having sung 7) sang 8) having been sung 9) so has 10) neither has.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Заповніть пропуски
1. he is said … very well.
2. if you … me this tune i`ll remember the words of the song
3. … the songs the choir left the stage.
4. when we came into the hall our group-mates … a new song. I liked it.
5. I haven’t been to any concerts lately. — … my friend
1)to sing 2) will sing 3) were singing 4) sing 5) sings 6) having sung 7) sang 8) having been sung 9) so has 10) neither has.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. To sing

2. Sing

3. Having sung

4. Were singing

5. Neither has

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