Запишите предложения в косвенной речи по теме»согласование времен».
1.my aunt asked me:»have you already finished your exams?»
2.the teacher asked his pupils:»do you like the story?»
3.the passenger said:»what time does the plane arrive?»
4.grandmother said to Jack:»will you send a telegram tomorrow?»
5.my friend said:»can you borrow me you car?»
6.»read this book», father said to his son.»it will be interesting for you».
7.»why have not they come yet?» Said Eva.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Запишите предложения в косвенной речи по теме»согласование времен».
1.my aunt asked me:»have you already finished your exams?»
2.the teacher asked his pupils:»do you like the story?»
3.the passenger said:»what time does the plane arrive?»
4.grandmother said to Jack:»will you send a telegram tomorrow?»
5.my friend said:»can you borrow me you car?»
6.»read this book», father said to his son.»it will be interesting for you».
7.»why have not they come yet?» Said Eva.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1.My aunt asked me if I had already finished my exams.

2.The teacher asked his pupils if they liked the story.

3.The passenger wondered what time the plane arrived.

4.Grandmother asked Jack if he would send a telegram the following day.

5. My friend asked me whether I could borrow him my car.

6. Father told his son to read that book and added that it would  be interesting for me.

7.  Eva asked me why I had not come yet. 

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