Закончите разделительные вопросы (допишите «хвостик»). I am a famous pop singer, __________? There are a lot of paintings in the gallery, _________? She is not a theatregoer, ___________? It was very interesting to see the ballet yesterday, ________? You will be 12, ________? I am not right, _______? They were in the museum at four, _____?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Закончите разделительные вопросы (допишите «хвостик»).
I am a famous pop singer, __________?
There are a lot of paintings in the gallery, _________?
She is not a theatregoer, ___________?
It was very interesting to see the ballet yesterday, ________?
You will be 12, ________?
I am not right, _______?
They were in the museum at four, _____?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

I am a famous pop singer, aren’t I?

There are a lot of paintings in the gallery, aren’t there?

She is not a theatregoer, is she?

It was very interesting to see the ballet yesterday, wasn’t it?

You will be 12, won’t you?

I am not right, are I?

They were in the museum at four, weren’t they?

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