Задание 2. 1. Complete the following true stories with the correct active or passive form of the verb in brackets. (Pay attention to the tense of the verb.) Поставьте глаголы в скобках в активный или пассивный залог (Обращайте внимание на время глагола!). INCIDENTS a) Seventy-five prisoners in northern Mexico (1) … (spend) over six months digging a tunnel in an attempt to escape from Saltillo prison. Unfortunately for them, however, their tunnel (2) … (come) up in the nearby courtroom, where they (3) … (sentence). All seventy-five prisoners (4) … (return) to prison immediately by the surprised judge. b) Mrs. Redwood, from Port Headland in Australia, (5) … (attack) by a burglar while she (6) … (talk) on the phone to her brother in Leeds, England. Her brother (7) … (hear) strange noises, and (8) … (phone) his local police station in Leeds. The Port Headland police (9) … (contact) immediately, and an officer (10) … (send) to Mrs. Redwood’s house. The woman (11) … (rescue) just eighteen minutes after the attack (12) … (happen).

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Задание 2.
1. Complete the following true stories with the correct active or passive form of the
verb in brackets. (Pay attention to the tense of the verb.) Поставьте глаголы в
скобках в активный или пассивный залог (Обращайте внимание на время
a) Seventy-five prisoners in northern Mexico (1) … (spend) over six months digging a
tunnel in an attempt to escape from Saltillo prison. Unfortunately for them, however,
their tunnel (2) … (come) up in the nearby courtroom, where they (3) … (sentence).
All seventy-five prisoners (4) … (return) to prison immediately by the surprised
b) Mrs. Redwood, from Port Headland in Australia, (5) … (attack) by a burglar while
she (6) … (talk) on the phone to her brother in Leeds, England. Her brother (7) …
(hear) strange noises, and (8) … (phone) his local police station in Leeds. The Port
Headland police (9) … (contact) immediately, and an officer (10) … (send) to Mrs.
Redwood’s house. The woman (11) … (rescue) just eighteen minutes after the attack
(12) … (happen).

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Ответ:а) 1. spent

2. came

3. sentenced

4. returned

b) 5. was attacked

6. was talking

7. heard

8. phoned

9. contacted

10. sent

11. rescued

12. happened


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