д.з.Раскройте скобки, чтобы получились истории в Past Simple 1. Last week I __ (to phone) my best friend Joe and __ (to start) telling him everything that ___ (to happen) to me. I __ (not to want) to forget anything, so I __ (to decide) to write some things down. I __ (to remember) every little detail of my week and __ (to continue) talking, but Joe __ (not to listen). He fell asleep! 2. Two summers ago we __ (have) a holiday in Scotland. We___ (drive) there from London. When we ___ (get) to Edinburgh we __ (not find) a good hotel. We __ (not know) what to do, but in the end we __ (find) a motel and __ (stay) there for the week. We __ (see) the castle, __ (go) to the Arts Festival, and __ (buy) a lot of souvenirs.УПРАЖНЕНИЯ оборот There is/are Упражнение 1.Раскройте скобки, выбрав нужную форму глагола и подчеркните подлежащее и сказуемое.1. There (is, are) a large table in my room. 2. There (is, are) three windows in my classroom. 3. There (is, are) a table and four chairs in my living-room. 4. There (is, are) a blackboard, four desks and five chairs in our class-room. 5. There (is, are) a text-book and two exercise-books on the table. 6. There (is, are) two shops and a cinema in my street. Упражнение 2.Перепишите предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме.Образец1. There was a small shop in my street last year. Was there a small shop in my street last year? There was no small shop in my street last year. 2. There were two books at the table. Were there two books on the table? There weren’t two books on the table. 1. There were a lot of flowers in the garden. 2. There was an apple-tree in the garden. 3. There were a lot of chickens on the farm. 4. There were many white sheep on the farm. 5. There was a table at the window. 6. There was a bus stop here.Упражнение 3.Прочитать вслух, сделать предложения отрицательными и вопросительными1. There is an apple on the table.2. There is a banana on the table.3. There is a sausage on the table.4. There is a pear on the table.5. There is an orange on the table.6. There is a bread roll on the table.7. There is a biscuit on the table.8. There is an egg on the table.9. There is a cucumber on the table.10. There is a tomato on the table.Упражнение 4.1.Используйте There (is, are)1. ______ nice flowers in the room. 2. ______ a red vase on the table. 3. ______ chairs next to the table. 4. _______ a mouse in the yard. 5. ______ books in the bag . 6. _______ balls under the table . 7. _______ a mirror in the bedroom. 8. ______ pens on the book. 9. ______ bridges in the town.Сегодня мы повторяем глаголы must и have to.1. You … open the window. It is cold.2. I … get up earlier today. We are going on an excursion.3. We … clean the floor. It’s very dirty.4. You … buy cinema tickets. I can’t buy them.5. We … visit granny. She is ill.6. I … come back before 6 o’clock.7. We … come to school on time.8. I … go by bus. Dad will drive me.9. You … go shopping. We have some bread for dinner.10. You … help your friend.ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СРОЧНО! ! !только все номера ​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Раскройте скобки, чтобы получились истории в Past Simple
1. Last week I __ (to phone) my best friend Joe and __ (to start) telling him everything that ___ (to happen) to me. I __ (not to want) to forget anything, so I __ (to decide) to write some things down. I __ (to remember) every little detail of my week and __ (to continue) talking, but Joe __ (not to listen). He fell asleep!

2. Two summers ago we __ (have) a holiday in Scotland. We___ (drive) there from London. When we ___ (get) to Edinburgh we __ (not find) a good hotel. We __ (not know) what to do, but in the end we __ (find) a motel and __ (stay) there for the week. We __ (see) the castle, __ (go) to the Arts Festival, and __ (buy) a lot of souvenirs.

УПРАЖНЕНИЯ оборот There is/are
Упражнение 1.
Раскройте скобки, выбрав нужную форму глагола и подчеркните подлежащее и сказуемое.
1. There (is, are) a large table in my room.
2. There (is, are) three windows in my classroom.
3. There (is, are) a table and four chairs in my living-room.
4. There (is, are) a blackboard, four desks and five chairs in our class-room.
5. There (is, are) a text-book and two exercise-books on the table.
6. There (is, are) two shops and a cinema in my street.
Упражнение 2.
Перепишите предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме.
1. There was a small shop in my street last year. Was there a small shop in my street last year? There was no small shop in my street last year.
2. There were two books at the table. Were there two books on the table? There weren’t two books on the table.
1. There were a lot of flowers in the garden.
2. There was an apple-tree in the garden.
3. There were a lot of chickens on the farm.
4. There were many white sheep on the farm.
5. There was a table at the window.
6. There was a bus stop here.

Упражнение 3.
Прочитать вслух, сделать предложения отрицательными и вопросительными
1. There is an apple on the table.
2. There is a banana on the table.
3. There is a sausage on the table.
4. There is a pear on the table.
5. There is an orange on the table.
6. There is a bread roll on the table.
7. There is a biscuit on the table.
8. There is an egg on the table.
9. There is a cucumber on the table.
10. There is a tomato on the table.
Упражнение 4.
1.Используйте There (is, are)

1. ______ nice flowers in the room.
2. ______ a red vase on the table.
3. ______ chairs next to the table.
4. _______ a mouse in the yard.
5. ______ books in the bag .
6. _______ balls under the table .
7. _______ a mirror in the bedroom.
8. ______ pens on the book.
9. ______ bridges in the town.
Сегодня мы повторяем глаголы must и have to.
1. You … open the window. It is cold.
2. I … get up earlier today. We are going on an excursion.
3. We … clean the floor. It’s very dirty.
4. You … buy cinema tickets. I can’t buy them.
5. We … visit granny. She is ill.
6. I … come back before 6 o’clock.
7. We … come to school on time.
8. I … go by bus. Dad will drive me.
9. You … go shopping. We have some bread for dinner.
10. You … help your friend.

только все номера ​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык



1phoned, started, happened, didn’t want, decided, remembered, continued, didn’t listen


1had, drove, got, didn’t find, didn’t know, found, stayed, saw, went, bought.


1is-сказуемое table- подлежащее

2are сказ windows подл

3 аre сказ table подл chairs тоже

4are сказ blackboard, desks, chairs подл

5are сказ textbook exercise book подл

6are сказ shops cinema подл

упражнение 2вопрос меняешь Was there? Were there?


There wasn’t или was no, there weren’t

в примере всё показано

упражнение 3

Is there? вопрос

there isn’t отрицание

упражнение 4

1there are

2there is

3there are

4there is

5there are

6there are

7there is

8there are

9 there are



2have to



5have to

6have to


8don’t have to


have to

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