допоможіть ви остання надія на порятунок IV. Make the active sentences passive. 1. They filmed the movie in Venice. ________________________________________________________________ 2. An iceberg sank the ship. ________________________________________________________________ 3. My sister didn’t invite me to her birthday party. ________________________________________________________________ 4. They made those cars in Germany. ________________________________________________________________ 5. They have postponed the meeting. ________________________________________________________________

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

допоможіть ви остання надія на порятунок
IV. Make the active sentences passive.

1. They filmed the movie in Venice.

2. An iceberg sank the ship.

3. My sister didn’t invite me to her birthday party.

4. They made those cars in Germany.

5. They have postponed the meeting.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


The movie was filmed in Venice by them.

The ship was sung by an iceberg.

I wasn’t invited to her birthday party by my sister.

Those cars were made in Germany by them.

The meeting has been postponed by them.

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