Дополните предложения. Используйте артикль the, где это необходимо. (При нулевом артикле ставим прочерк) Пишем только номер предложения и выбранный артикль. … Alps are the highest mountains in … Europe. … Black Sea in the south. … Tverskaya Street is in the centre of … Moscow. … USA is bigger than … Canada. … Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in … Siberia. Where is … Red Sea situated? … Hyde Park is in the centre of … London. Russia extends from … Arctic Ocean in the north to … Black Sea in the south. … Volga runs into … Caspian Sea. … Pacific Ocean is in … east of our country.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Дополните предложения. Используйте артикль the, где это необходимо. (При нулевом артикле ставим прочерк)
Пишем только номер предложения и выбранный артикль.

… Alps are the highest mountains in … Europe.

… Black Sea in the south.

… Tverskaya Street is in the centre of … Moscow.

… USA is bigger than … Canada.

… Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in … Siberia.

Where is … Red Sea situated?

… Hyde Park is in the centre of … London.

Russia extends from … Arctic Ocean in the north to … Black Sea in the south.

… Volga runs into … Caspian Sea.

… Pacific Ocean is in … east of our country.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1.The Alps are the highest mountains in the Europe

2.The Black Sea in South

3.The Tverskaya street is in the centre of the Moscow

4.The USA is bigger than the Canada

5.The lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the Siberia

6.Where is the red sea situated?

7.The Hyde Parkis in the centre of the London

8.Russia extends from the arctic Ocean in the month to the Black Sea in the south

9.The Volga runs into the Caspian Sea

10.The Pacific Ocean is in _ east of our country

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