Даю 46 баллов! Выберите слово, которое соответствует описанию. Something that people like to see or do because it is interesting or enjoyable * 1 балл a melting pot an attraction a skyscraper A number of connected things * 1 балл a shore a chain an attraction The land along the edge of the sea or a large lake * 1 балл a desert a bank a shore Large area of a very hot dry land where few plants grow * 1 балл a desert a shore grassland Long narrow boat for one or two people that you push through the water using a short flat piece of wood * 1 балл a skyscraper a canoe a ship Different things put together * 1 балл a canoe mixture a bank An area of sand next to the sea * 1 балл a skyscraper a desert a beach Strong, powerful * 1 балл attractive mighty picturesque A very tall building in a city * 1 балл a skyscraper a chain mixture To change from solid to liquid * 1 балл to stretch to rise to melt

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Даю 46 баллов!
Выберите слово, которое соответствует описанию.
Something that people like to see or do because it is interesting or enjoyable *
1 балл
a melting pot
an attraction
a skyscraper
A number of connected things *
1 балл
a shore
a chain
an attraction
The land along the edge of the sea or a large lake *
1 балл
a desert
a bank
a shore
Large area of a very hot dry land where few plants grow *
1 балл
a desert
a shore
Long narrow boat for one or two people that you push through the water using a short flat piece of wood *
1 балл
a skyscraper
a canoe
a ship
Different things put together *
1 балл
a canoe
a bank
An area of sand next to the sea *
1 балл
a skyscraper
a desert
a beach
Strong, powerful *
1 балл
A very tall building in a city *
1 балл
a skyscraper
a chain
To change from solid to liquid *
1 балл
to stretch
to rise
to melt

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1.an attraction 2.a chain 3.shore 4.desert 5.canoe 6.mixture 7.beach 8.mighty 9.skyscraper 10.melt

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