ДАЮ 43 БАЛЛА!!! ВСТАВЬТЕ ПРОПУСКИ о динозавре. Stegosaur was one the …. dinosaur. It had a … head, a …. neck, …. theeth, a …. body, …. legs and a … tail. Stegosaur could …., but it couldn’t …. . It ate …., but didn’t eat …. .

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Stegosaur was one the …. dinosaur.
It had a … head, a …. neck, …. theeth, a …. body, …. legs and a … tail.
Stegosaur could …., but it couldn’t …. .
It ate …., but didn’t eat …. .

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Stegosaur was one the most recognizable kinds dinosaur.
It had a small head, a short  neck, big white teeth, a large body, huge legs and a long tail, 
held high in the air.

Stegosaur could live on both land and water as crocodiles, but it couldn’t swim .
It ate 

low-lying bushes and shrubs , but didn’t eat meat.

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