Выберите слово по смыслу в предложение: carton, packet, loaf, bag, piece, kilo, bottle, jar, bar 1. Could I have a …… of biscuits, please? 2. Remember to get a …… of orange juice when you’re at the supermarket. 3. We eat a ……. of bread a day in our house. 4. Can you get me the …… of rice from the cupboard, please? 5. How can you lose weight if you eat a …… of chocolate every day? 6. How much does a …… of bananas cost? 7. Would you like a ……. of cake with your tea? 8. I can’t open this …… of strawberry jam. 9. Oh, what a mess! I dropped the …… of olive oil on the floor. Task 2 Выберите правильный вариант 1. Slowly ……. the eggs, the flour and milk mixture. A bake B fry C stir 2. When the chicken boils, ……. the vegetables. A peel B add C buy 3. Put the cake in the oven and ……. it for 30-45 min. A bake B melt C dice 4. How many people does the recipe …….? A prepare B serve C need? 5. Look at the ……. you need before you go to the market. A cooking time B portions C ingredients 6. You have to be careful not to cut yourself when you …….. vegetables. A boil B mix C dice

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Выберите слово по смыслу в предложение: carton, packet, loaf, bag, piece, kilo, bottle, jar, bar

1. Could I have a …… of biscuits, please?

2. Remember to get a …… of orange juice when you’re at the supermarket.

3. We eat a ……. of bread a day in our house.

4. Can you get me the …… of rice from the cupboard, please?

5. How can you lose weight if you eat a …… of chocolate every day?

6. How much does a …… of bananas cost?

7. Would you like a ……. of cake with your tea?

8. I can’t open this …… of strawberry jam.

9. Oh, what a mess! I dropped the …… of olive oil on the floor.

Task 2 Выберите правильный вариант

1. Slowly ……. the eggs, the flour and milk mixture.

A bake B fry C stir

2. When the chicken boils, ……. the vegetables.

A peel B add C buy

3. Put the cake in the oven and ……. it for 30-45 min.

A bake B melt C dice

4. How many people does the recipe …….?

A prepare B serve C need?

5. Look at the ……. you need before you go to the market.

A cooking time B portions C ingredients

6. You have to be careful not to cut yourself when you …….. vegetables.

A boil B mix C dice

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Ответ: отметь как лучший)))

1) packet

2) carton





7) piece


9) bottle








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