выберите нужное слово из скобок 1. Mum (bought/has bought) a new carpet. It is a beautiful. 2. Yesterday my parents (have repainted/repainted) door. 3.Now she(draw/is drawing) the poster. 4.They (tidied/have tidied) the room. It is very clean. 5. Andy (has taken/took) my book! I cannot read it.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

выберите нужное слово из скобок
1. Mum (bought/has bought) a new carpet. It is a beautiful.
2. Yesterday my parents (have repainted/repainted) door.
3.Now she(draw/is drawing) the poster.
4.They (tidied/have tidied) the room. It is very clean.
5. Andy (has taken/took) my book! I cannot read it.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


has bought ;

repainted ;

has drawn;

has painted ;

is painting ;

is eating;


надеюсь помог… 🙂

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