Вставьте was, wasn`t, were или weren`t
1. ..Marilyn Monroe a famous actress? Yes. she …
2. ..Alfred Hitchcock an actor? No, he …He …a fomous director?
3. ..Beetheven, Mozaet and Chopin directors? No, they …They …composers.
4. ..Thomas Edison a singer? No, he …He an inventor.
5. ..Abraham Lincoln and George Washington presidents of the USA? Yes, they …

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Вставьте was, wasn`t, were или weren`t
1. ..Marilyn Monroe a famous actress? Yes. she …
2. ..Alfred Hitchcock an actor? No, he …He …a fomous director?
3. ..Beetheven, Mozaet and Chopin directors? No, they …They …composers.
4. ..Thomas Edison a singer? No, he …He an inventor.
5. ..Abraham Lincoln and George Washington presidents of the USA? Yes, they …

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. was , was

2.was,wasn’t, was

3.were, weren’t, were



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