Вставьте some или any. Преобразуйте предложение в 2 другие формы (утвердительная, вопросительная и отрицательная). Примеры смотри в тетради.

1) There are …schools in the street.

2) Do you want … milk in your coffee?

3) They brought … good books from the library.

4) Is there … cheese on the plate?

5) There isn’t … butter in the fridge.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Вставьте some или any. Преобразуйте предложение в 2 другие формы (утвердительная, вопросительная и отрицательная). Примеры смотри в тетради.

1) There are …schools in the street.

2) Do you want … milk in your coffee?

3) They brought … good books from the library.

4) Is there … cheese on the plate?

5) There isn’t … butter in the fridge.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 There are some school in the street

Are there any school in the street?

There aren’t any some school in the street

2 Do you want some milk in your coffee?

You don’t want some milk in your coffee

You want some milk in your coffee

3 They brought some good books from the library

Did they bring any good books from the library?

They didn’t bring any good books from the library

4 Is there any cheese on the plate?

There is some cheese on the plate

There isn’t any cheese on the plate

5 There isn’t any butter in the fridge

There is some butter in the fridge

Is there any butter in the fridge

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