Вставьте правильные слова.naughty friendly caring funny clever1) I like watching comedies. There films are _____.2) This boy is _____. He never does his homework. 3) Tim is very _____. He is always kind and smiles to everybody. 4) My teacher is kind and _____. 5) Bob is good at studying because he is very _____. ​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Вставьте правильные слова.
naughty friendly caring funny clever
1) I like watching comedies. There films are _____.
2) This boy is _____. He never does his homework.
3) Tim is very _____. He is always kind and smiles to everybody.
4) My teacher is kind and _____.
5) Bob is good at studying because he is very _____. ​

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