Вставьте подходящую по смыслу форму инфинитива: Passive или Active: 1. The lecturer wants … The students wants … (to understand, to be understood). 2. We expected the meeting … next month. He expected … the attention of the audience (to hold, to be held). 3. Some changes had … He wanted … some changes in the project (to make, to be made). 4. There were a lot of things … He was nowhere … (to see, to be seen).

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Вставьте подходящую по смыслу форму инфинитива: Passive или Active:

1. The lecturer wants … The students wants … (to understand, to be understood).

2. We expected the meeting … next month. He expected … the attention of the audience (to hold, to be held).

3. Some changes had … He wanted … some changes in the project (to make, to be made).

4. There were a lot of things … He was nowhere … (to see, to be seen).

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. To be understood, to understand

2. To be held, to hold

3. To be made, to make

4. To see, to be seen

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