• Вставьте необходимые предлоги: 1.Our house is right ……. the police station. 2.I heard the strange noise ……. the night. 3.Don’t run until two hours …….eating. 4.We’re very old friends. We met …… university. 5.I’ve been here ……. six weeks, and I still can’t understand anybode. 6.Would you like a drink ……. you go to bed? 7.I’ll meet you at the station, ……. the clock. 8.The bus arrives ……. the airport ……. about 10.25. 9.Are you doing anything ……. Tuesday?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

• Вставьте необходимые предлоги:
1.Our house is right ……. the police station.
2.I heard the strange noise ……. the night.
3.Don’t run until two hours …….eating.
4.We’re very old friends. We met …… university.
5.I’ve been here ……. six weeks, and I still can’t understand anybode.
6.Would you like a drink ……. you go to bed?
7.I’ll meet you at the station, ……. the clock.
8.The bus arrives ……. the airport ……. about 10.25.
9.Are you doing anything ……. Tuesday?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. At

2 at

3 of

4. in

5 for

6 before

7 at

8 at at

9 on

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