Вставьте наречия в предложения. наречия: slowly, differently, nicely, quickly, beautifully. предложения: 1) I don’t think the way my friend does — I think _________. 2) The tortoise is a slow animal, it moves _________. 3) The hare runs very ____________. 4) This woman is __________. 5) She is a beautiful singer, she sings ____________.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Вставьте наречия в предложения.
slowly, differently, nicely, quickly, beautifully.
1) I don’t think the way my friend does — I think _________.
2) The tortoise is a slow animal, it moves _________.
3) The hare runs very ____________.
4) This woman is __________.
5) She is a beautiful singer, she sings ____________.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1)  differently

2) slowly

3) quickly

4) beautifully

5) nicely

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