Вставьте глагол to be в нужном времени. Present Simple Fred _____ thirteen now. «____ you English? «No, l _________. Her name _____ Ann. «______ David a good friend?» «Yes, he _______». __________ these men doctors? «You_______ from Belarus, _________ you?» «Yes, that______right». There__________ a nice lake in the forest. Let’s go! There ________no more questions, _________there? Past Simple «When you ________ a small child, _________ you happy?» «Yes, I ________. I ________ very happy.» They (not) ________ ready for the lesson last Tuesday. The days_________ cold and wet last September. There ________20 pupils in our class last year. Present Perfect 13. I ________ill for the last few weeks. 14. Where _______ John _________ all day? 15. They (not) ________ to this part of the country. 16. «________ she________ to America? » «No, she ________.» Future Simple 17. He ________ 13 years old tomorrow. 18. I ________ back home at 6 o’clock. 19. We __________ at the library at that time. 20. They __________ here at 3 o’clock. 21. They ________ happy to see us.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Вставьте глагол to be в нужном времени.
Present Simple

Fred _____ thirteen now.
«____ you English? «No, l _________.
Her name _____ Ann.
«______ David a good friend?» «Yes, he _______».
__________ these men doctors?
«You_______ from Belarus, _________ you?» «Yes, that______right».
There__________ a nice lake in the forest. Let’s go!
There ________no more questions, _________there?
Past Simple

«When you ________ a small child, _________ you happy?» «Yes, I ________. I ________ very happy.»
They (not) ________ ready for the lesson last Tuesday.
The days_________ cold and wet last September.
There ________20 pupils in our class last year.
Present Perfect

13. I ________ill for the last few weeks.

14. Where _______ John _________ all day?

15. They (not) ________ to this part of the country.

16. «________ she________ to America? » «No, she ________.»

Future Simple

17. He ________ 13 years old tomorrow.

18. I ________ back home at 6 o’clock.

19. We __________ at the library at that time.

20. They __________ here at 3 o’clock.

21. They ________ happy to see us.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Present Simple

1. Fred is thirteen now.

2. Are you English? — No, l‘m not.

3. Her name is Ann.

4. «Is David a good friend?» «Yes, he is».

5. Are these men doctors?

6. «You are from Belarus, aren’t you?» «Yes, that‘s right».

7. There is a nice lake in the forest. Let’s go!

8. There are no more questions, are there?

Past Simple

9. «When you were a small child, were you happy?» «Yes, I was. I was very happy.»

10. They weren’t ready for the lesson last Tuesday.

11. The days were cold and wet last September.

12. There were 20 pupils in our class last year.

Present Perfect

13. I have been ill for the last few weeks.

14. Where has John been all day?

15. They haven’t been to this part of the country.

16. «Has she been to America? » «No, she hasn’t

Future Simple

17. He will be 13 years old tomorrow.

18. I shall/will be back home at 6 o’clock.

19. We will be at the library at that time.

20. They will be here at 3 o’clock.

21. They will be happy to see us.

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