Вставить. Use at, in, on or.
1._____ every evening Kate studies with her brother
2. _____ we usually wash up _____ the evening
3. I don’t go to school ____ Saturdays and Sundays
4. My friends usually visit their granny____ Fridays
5. ____ 10 o’clock I’m always at school
6. We can talk about it____ the morning
7. This film begins ____ Monday ____ 7′ o clock

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1._____ every evening Kate studies with her brother
2. _____ we usually wash up IN the evening 
3. I don’t go to school ON Saturdays and Sundays
4. My friends usually visit their granny ON Fridays
5. AT 10 o’clock I’m always at school
6. We can talk about it IN the morning
7. This film begins ON Monday AT 7′ o clock

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