Поставить Past Simple или Past Continuous плизз…on the way back home Heggy and Chamby(smile) happily.Now they(know) that it was better to smile than to be angry.They(be) so happy that they(want) to sing

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Поставить Past Simple или Past Continuous плизз…on the way back home Heggy and Chamby(smile) happily.Now they(know) that it was better to smile than to be angry.They(be) so happy that they(want) to sing

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

On the way back home Heggy And Chamby smiling happily past continious.Now the knewthat it was better to smily than be angry. Последнее не знаю!Простите(

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